Toyota Pinnocks
Australian made…or Japanese made and australian assembled?
As far as I can tell and in no particular order, this group includes: Sewbest, Sewmaster, Sewmatic, Sewqueen and Seweasy.
These machines were made in Japan by Toyota, as were the Trendsetter Pinnocks, imported into Australia and rebranded as Australian made machines. Australian Wernard motors were added and there is some indication that the Toyota name was scrapped off the bottom of the machines prior to sale. The crown symbol for Toyota remains on the machines in the form of the badge. These machines can be found in other countries branded under different names with similar stories to the Pinnock factory. The Morse machine in the USA is an example of one company that has the same machines with different badges and in some cases different colours.
All of these machines are made of cast iron and all metal workings. They are heavy solids machines and if in good condition they sew beautifully.
Fellow collector Timothy Briggs is an expert on Pinnocks, part of his collection is below. Image kindly used with his permission.

English advertisement, names of models marketed differently in the U.K.
Wardana similar to Pinnock
I have seen this machine pop up from time to time for sale. As yet i do not have this machine, but it is very similar to the shape of the Sewmaster.