Gritzner Sewing Machines
Below are links to some of the Gritzner sewing machines that are in my collection. Each page will have a link to a free sewing machine manual, were available.
More information on Gritzner and its history can be found at Gritzner – Sewing Machine Directory (
The machines in my collection have all been found here in Australia, as these were imported and sold locally at the time.

Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 – 1957), Tuesday 23 October 1956, page 1
another advertisement for an earlier portable model.

Zig Zag Ad
Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 – 1957), Monday 31 January 1955, page 1
I’m happy I came across your web site in my search for these elusive Gritzner-made machines. Currently, I have three Kenmore 117.841, a White 651, a Kenmore 117.740, and a Domestic Imperial Automatic this is to be delivered later this week. I’m seeking that Paff 239 and the Gritzner VZ that looks just like the others. In the meantime, I also look for the pattern cams because, so often, the machines usually don’t come with the cams. So, if you have any to sell, I’d be interested in considering what you might have.
Douglas, sounds like you have a wonderful collection. Unfortunately, I only have the one set of cams, the only set I have ever come across and as you can imagine I won’t be parting with those. If I ever find another set, I’ll let you know. I never know what machine will pop up for sale in my area, but as the Gritzner was sold here in Australia, the chances that more will turn up is high. Hopefully someone else will see your comments and contact you if they happen to have the set of cams (pattern disks) that you are looking for. Cheers Pat