It is important that you use the correct size needle in your sewing machine. The incorrect length of needle can damage your machine or simply not work. Consult your manual.
There is plenty of information online that describes the gauge (diameter) and point of the needles that is recommended for different fabrics, most refer to the common universal needle the 130/705, however not all vintage and antique machines use this needle. Read on.
On this page I try to indicate which needle is recommended for each machine. Below is a basic rundown of these needles and their alternative / compatible equivalents. This information has been gathered by my own research, it may contain errors and is intended as a guide only. When using an alternative needle, always use caution as to not damage your machine. I do not recommend any brand of needle, this is up to you and your own research and availability.

*A needle system is a group of needles made to fit specific sewing machines. All needles in a system are of the same length and shank size, but are of various diameters. Lower size numbers are narrower or thinner needles used for lighter materials. Higher size numbers indicate a needle of thicker diameter, used for heavier materials. Match your needle system to your machine, then the size of the needle to the product you are sewing.

Universal needle or something else?
Japanese machines: I have found all the Japanese machines use the universal needle. 130/705, 130/705H, 15×1, HAx1. These needles are your standard needles found on most modern domestic machines.
European machines: Consult your manual, some machines use a semi-industrial round shank needle, the DBX1 needle system.
Antique and older vintage machines: Consult your manual, research your machine as these can vary depending on the manufacturer. When sewing machines were first being developed in the mid 19th century, each machine manufacturer had their own designs of needle which were often specific to certain models. These basic designs then came in different sizes to suit different size threads.
Overlockers and Sergers: These can vary greatly, always consult the manual. There are at least 6 different *needle systems used in domestic overlockers and multiple system codes to identify these, see below.
Does my Vintage machine use a different needle and if so which one?
130/705 needle system numbers :
130/705, 130/705H, 15×1, HAx1, 2020.
Universal Needle.

Universal needle for Domestic sewing machines, flat shank.
Most modern-day domestic sewing machines use a universal needle.
Manufacturers use different *needle system codes to identify the same needle, however they may differ in shape, such as grooves, width, point tip.
For example: a 15×1 sewing machine needle is a universal needle that can be used for general sewing of most woven and knit fabrics. The tip is slightly rounder than a sharp, but not as round as a ballpoint.
Sewing needles come in a variety of shapes and sizes to accommodate different types of fabrics. Ballpoint, denim, embroidery, hemstitch, leather/wedge-point, metallica, quilting, sharp, stretch, topstitch and twin.
The universal needle has a flat shank and is also known as: 130/705, 130/705H, 15×1, HAx1.
DBX1 needle system numbers:
16X231, 16X257, 16X95, 1738, 1738A, 287WH, 71X1, DBX1, DBX257, DLX1, SY2254, SY2270

Industrial Sewing Machine Needles, round shank.
Used in some heavy duty domestic sewing machines, including my machines Bernina 117L, Phoenix 283 and Anker RZ. Also used in my Janomelock JL634D overlocker. These machines require the 287WH, which is equivalent.
As well as …
for Alfa : 121.101-401-500-503, 119.300/for Artisan : 196R, 5500, 8500/for Bernina : 117, 217-10, 217-20, 317, 517, 740, 850, 950/for Brother : B221, B484, B485, B735, B755, B652, B737, B764, B790/for Consew : 38, 75, 77, 101, 102, 210, 215, 216, 217, 220, 230, 230R, 310,2 230R, C7630, 7630R-1/for Econosew : DDL-5550, DDL-8500, DDL-8700/for Feiyue : FY8500, FY8700/for Gemsy : 8700/for Janome : 1600P-DB, 1600P-DBX/for Juki : DDL201, DDL-227, DDL-555, DDL-5530, DDL-5550, DDL-8300, DDL-8500, DDL-8700, DDL-8900, DDL-9000, DLN415, DLU5490, LZ-271, LZ-391N, MBH-180/for Singer : 96 class, 103K, 120U, 172, 188K, 188U, 196K, 241, 245, 251, 281, 291U-3, 2491D/for Tacsew : 950, DDL-5550, DDL-8500, T8700/for Taiko : TK-505, TK-510/for Toyota : AD156, AD157, AD338, D146, D147, D347, D348, D1422-42, D2432/for Viking : M430, M431, M435, M435C, M440, M530, M535, M535C, M535D/for Yamata : FY8500, FY8700
DCX1 needle system numbers:
1886, 81X1, B27, DCX1, DCX27, RIM27, RMX27, MY1023, SY6120, 3027GS

Round Shank needles
(if you need DCx1F needles, then the F indicates that it is flat shank, not round. My Pinnock III overlocker uses DCx1F)
Used in some domestic machines, including my overlocker Babylock BL3 407
For Babylock : BL3-318, BL3-407, BL3-408, BL3-416, BL3-418, BL3-426, BL3200, SL600, SL660, SL700, SL800/For Brother : B511, B531, B551, B561, B571, B611, B621, B641, B651, B661, B671, B672, B681, B682, B691, B692, B901, B952, B958, B959, B971, B959/For Feiyue : FY737, FY747, FY757, FY2000, FY2100/For Juki : MO-800 Class, MO-2400 Class, MO-2500 Class, MO-2400N Class, MO-2500N Class, MO-3300 Class, MO-3600 Class, MO-3700 Class, MO-3900 Class, MO-6700 Class, MOR, MOC, MOF/For Mauser : DC, DCP, DC-MS/For Pegasus : E22-730, E22L-730, E32, E32L, E52, E52L, ETB32, ETB52, ETF32, ETF52, F32, F52, L32, L52/For Rimoldi : 27, 28, 29, 227, 228, 229, 230, 327, 329, 527, 627/For Willcox & Gibbs : 101-E14, 401-02, 401-04, 401-013, 401-E32, 503-04, 503-E, 503-52, 503-ETB 52, 503-ETF 52, 504-4, 504-E 52, ETB 52, ETF 52, 512, 514, 516, DC, DCP, DCR-942, E32, E52/For Yamata : FY737, FY747, FY757, FY2000, FY2100/For Yamato : AZ8000 Class, AZ8500 Class, AZ8600 Class, DC, DCY, DCZ-200, DCZ-203, DCZ-204, DCZ-206, DCZ-216, DCZ-220, DCZ-220W, DCZ-221, DCZ-263, DCZ-264, DCZ-270, DCZ-290, DCZ-292, DCZ-293, DCZ-296, DCZ-500, DCZ-503, DCZ-515, DCZ-520, DCZ-521, DCZ-525, DCZ-545, DCZ-553, DCZ-554, DCZ-700, DCZ-703, DCZ-711, DCZ-715, DCZ-724Y, DCZ-725Y, DCZ-726YZ, DCZ-727Y, DCZ-745, DCZ-746, Z-100, Z-361, Z-362, Z-365, Z-366, Z-367, Z-368, Z1000, Z1003, Z1006, Z1016,Z1020, Z1036, Z1037, Z1045, Z1046, Z1056, Z1057, Z-5000, Z-6000, ZF-1020, ZF-1500/
Also overlockers
Babylock All BL-3 series, EF-405, EF405M
Janome 603, 603A
Mammylock 334, 334D
Pinnock P1, P2, PBL-1, PBL4, PBL4-436DF, PBL4-543DF
Pfaff 603, 603A
206X13 needle system numbers:
206X13 HPX13, SY2029, CANU: 21:32 2

Flat Shank Needles for Singer 206, 306, 319, 320
“Swing Needle Automatic” machines are unique in that they require this special needle.
The 206×13 is the same as the 15×1 except that the distance from the eye to the point is much smaller. It is VERY important that 15×1 needles are not used in machines designed for 206×13’s, or it may result in serious damage to the bobbin case. i.e If you have a modified bobbin case, you can use universal needles.
Shank Diameter 2.02mm
Length from top of needle to top of eye 33.9mm
Length from top of needle to bottom of needle 37.1mm
Overlockers /Sergers
Many home overlockers / sergers use the same *needle system as domestic sewing machines Klasse’ Type G for simplified selection (system HAx1, 15 x1, 130/705H, 2020).
Some other overlockers / sergers use other system needles and for these Klasse’ produces five different system needles which suit 99% of all overlockers / sergers.
Klasse – Type A (System 16 x 231, DBX1, 2053)
Klasse – Type B (System DCX1, 81X1)
Klasse – Type E (System HAXISP x 4)
Klasse – Type G (System 705H, 2020) Universal needle
Klasse – Type K (System 16×75, 2054)
Klasse – Type J (System ELX705)
*A needle system is a group of needles made to fit specific sewing machines. All needles in a system are of the same length and shank size, but are of various diameters. Lower size numbers are narrower or thinner needles used for lighter materials. Higher size numbers indicate a needle of thicker diameter, used for heavier materials. Match your needle system to your machine, then the size of the needle to the product you are sewing.
Overlocker models
List of some overlockers and their recommended needles.
Klasse – Type A (System 16 x 231, DBX1, 2053)
Pfaff 793, 794, 795, 796, 797
Brother B500 & B600 series, M760DE, TE-B505
Elna All MO series
Husky M430, M431, M435, M435C, M435D, M436, M440, M441, M530, M535, M535C, M535D
Singer 10U series. 14U12, 14U13, 14U22, 14U23, 14U32, 14U52
Klasse – Type B (System DCX1, 81X1)
Babylock All BL-3 series, EF-405, EF405M
Janome 603, 603A
Mammylock 334, 334D
Pinnock P1, P2, PBL-1, PBL4, PBL4-436DF, PBL4-543DF
Pfaff 603, 603A
Klasse – Type E (System HAXISP)
Janome 100, 200, 300, 400, & 500 series
Babylock SL600, SL700, SL800, All BLE series, Protage 402
Globe All models
Husky SL3000 series, 34D
Toyota SL3400, SL3403
Klasse – Type G (System 705H, 2020)
Toyota 6300, 6600, SL-1, SL-3000, SL-3404, 6500
Janome All Combi series
Pfaff 774E, 776E, 783, 784, 785, 786, 787, 788
Bernette All models (EXCEPT MO203, MO204 & MO205)
Brother M730, M730D, M760, M760D, all PC, PL, 900 & 9000 series
Elna All models (EXCEPT MO102, MO103 & MO104)
Husqvarna Huskilock M460, All M540, 550, 560, 570, 580, 680, 800 & 900 series
Singer 14U64A, 14U344, 14U354
Klasse – Type K (System 16×75, 2054)
Singer 14U32 series, 14U34 series, 14U44, 14U65 series, 14U85 series, 14U234 series, 14U285, 14U286, 14U444, 14U454B, 14U544, 14U554, 14U555, 14U594, 14U595
Klasse – Type J (System ELX705)
Husqvarna Viking s21
(System DCX1F) …the F signifies flat shank
These needles will fit older models of Babylock Sergers including :
Babylock : BL202, BL302, BL400, BL402, BL, 430, BL432, BL4-415, BL4-428, BL4-428D, BL4-436, BL4-436D, BL4-714, BL4-728D, BL4-736D, BL4-738D, BL4-838D, BL5040, BL5040L, BL5180, BL5260D, BL5280ED, BL5370ED, BL5380ED, BLSE200, ST600L and more. Simplicity : SL850, SL880
References and other useful links.
Classification of Sewing Machine Needles (singersewinginfo.co.uk)
Sewing Machine Needle Education – SCHMETZneedles
Needle Sizes and Systems for Industrial Sewing Thread (servicethread.com)
Needles for Household Overlock Machines Part 1 PDF – What needles does my overlock use?
Needles for Household Overlock Machines Part 2 PDF – A simplified look at household overlock sewing machine needle systems.
Tenho uma Anker Gloria, qual melhor agulha, ela esta em perfeito funcionamento
I think your question in English is “I have an Anker Gloria, what better needle, is it in perfect working order”.
If you look in the manual it will tell you that you need a “705” needle. This is a Universal needle for Domestic sewing machines, flat shank.