White Peerless hand crank machine
Acquired May 2024

I am afraid I know very little about this model and soon after I won it at local auction I tried to research this model. Unfortunately, I found little on this model, let alone locate a manual for it. If you have any information you can share with me, I would much appreciate it. I would love to have access to a manual as well.
The White sewing machines manufactured in the USA and while we get a few here in Australia, they are not common here. Luckily this machine came with a shuttle and bobbin and appears to be complete. It turns over smoothly and is rather small.
I have located two manuals for White Vibratiing shuttle machines, but neither matches my machine. These manuals are free to download from my google drive or can be accessed separately at:
White sewing machine PDF and the other one is at White Vibrating Sewing machine pdf
The most information I have been able to find is from White Sewing Machine Identification Models And Value Guide
This is most likely the most popular sewing machine model produced by White Sewing Machine Company.
It was made from the late 1800s to the first part of the 1900s and is distinguished by a landscape painting at the base.
All Peerless sewing machines were hand-cranked and available in 34-size models for both experts and hobbyists.
Furthermore, the New White Peerless was built on the VS III model, which was manufactured between 1893 and 1928.
The final Peerless model was available in three variants: “A,” “B,” and “C,” which vary in the casing and hand-crank design.