Necchi Julia, Automatica, Automatica Mark II
Lavender Julia, originally she had no cams, however 2 years after acquiring the machine I acquired the cams, I hope to add her to a success page one day.
The Automatica has been parted out and the Mk II has been gifted to a fellow enthusiast, who I hope can get it up and running. I also picked up another Necchi that had been put out as roadside trash, this too has gone to a new home.
I still use my freearm Necchi.

Supernova Julia 534, made in Italy
The first of my failures I do hope to rectify one day, it is my beautiful lavender Julia. I acquired this machine in September 2022. I have since found the cams that belong to this machine. I just now need to find the time to get her up and running. I am sure she will be a success story in the future.
The free pdf manual for the Julia can be found here on my google drive.

Necchi Supernova automatica, now striped as a parts machine. Made in Italy.
This Necchi below was definitely a failure, but it did teach me one thing, these are complicated machines.

Supernova Automatica Mark II, assembled in Australia, rehomed.
The below Necchi was still salvageable, but beyond my skill level, so I rehomed it with a technician friend of mine, who I am sure brought if back to life. This machine is the same model as the machine that I lovingly use, my free arm version of this machine that can be found on my Necchi freearrm page.

Supernova Automatica roadside rubbish find in Oakleigh, Vic, rehomed.
In August 2023 whilst on my way to visit a friend I saw this Cabinet on the side of the road. I quickly did a Uturn to see what was inside. It was Necchi. I backed up and started to put it in the car. A lovely little old Italian lady came out and was so thrilled to find out that I was saving the machine. She had it from new and had not used it in many years, due to her age. She said her grandson had put it on the nature strip. It made her day that I was taking the machine. I advertised it in the (1) Vintage Sewing Machines Australia and New Zealand | Facebook group and it was quickly adopted by a lovely lady who informed me she got it up and running. I really did not want to tackle and fail another Necchi. So, another Necchi saved from the scrap heap.

Nechhi cams

To access a PDF of this Necchi Brochure, you can download it for free from my google drive from here.
National Library of Australia | |
Australian Women’s Weekly (1933 – 1982), Wednesday 11 December 1957, page 75
National Library of Australia | |
Australian Women’s Weekly (1933 – 1982), Wednesday 24 June 1959, page 22
National Library of Australia | |
Australian Women’s Weekly (1933 – 1982), Wednesday 11 November 1959, page 64

National Library of Australia | |
Australian Women’s Weekly (1933 – 1982), Wednesday 4 December 1957, page 10