Pinnock sewing machines, like other sewing machines came with a standard set of attachments with each machine. This will vary depending on the machine model. There will also be additional items that could be purchased, well this is what I assume. It is what other companies did back then and continue to do now. I have come across a few items that I am unsure if they were with a machine or were sold as an add-on.
Here is what I have found so far.
The Toyota Pinnocks came with a grey metal tin, with no identifying marks. Three machines I have acquired had this same tin. There may have been other styles of tins, but I will assume that this grey tin is original.
These 2 tins came with two Sewqueen machines. One is in VGC the other poor. There is a receipt for a minor repair in 1967.

The Sewmatic came with a set of cams. These are harder to find than the machine itself and much sought after. The two extra black cams are button hole cams. #15 & #16.
I have since found another full set and finally have the #1 red cam and a box with a clear plastic lid.

Machine needles, made in the England. They came with a my Trendsetter Modern.

Button Hole attachments.
Early style.
One marked Pinnock Fridor, the other marked Stitch Master. Same size box, same manufacturer, W. Green Melbourne, Australia.

Another buttonhole attachment. It is possible these were marketed with some of the Trendsetters. I have seen one being advertised with a Trendsetter Standard, which would make sense as the Standard is a straight stitch only machine.

The Trendsetter Jewel came with these cams, as did Jewel Mark III

The Pinnock Trendsetter Royal came with these cams, as did also the Myer Victor Deluxe machine.