1947, Elna #1, Nicknamed the Grasshopper.
Never thought I would own this machine as it is much sought after by collectors and if I did ever find one then it would have to be a rescue. Well I was so wrong.
The serial number tells me it is a 1947. These machines were made mostly between 1940 and 1952.
I have more Elna machines of various types listed on my Elna Sewing machine page.

A lovely young man who lived in the next suburb advertised this machine, it had belonged to his Dutch Oma and the instruction book is in Danish. It was a bit out of my normal price range, so I left it for a while as I really thought someone else would snap it up. As it was, no one did, so I contacted the seller. I went to show him how it worked and gave it a test drive…one thing let to another and it “followed me home”, as they say in the collector fraternity.
As far as I can tell it is in near complete perfect condition. The attachment box is in place and has plenty of feet, it has only 2 bobbins, but that is fine, these I can find more of. Sews a pretty little stitch and it did not need more than an oil and a tweak of the tension to get her sewing. The case is the amazing thing with these machines, not only did it keep the machine safe it is a beautiful extension table.
I really don’t think Oma used it much as it is in very good condition. The photos below include the sales ad pics, when I got it home, after an oil and a test sew. The motor runs a bit slow, so now I will pull it apart slightly and give everything a good clean. I am sure I say this with most of my machines, but this is a keeper in my collection.
This machines rates as a 10 out of 10 at the Elna – Naehmaschinenverzeichnis page as it is all metal.
A copy of a manual in English can be found here. The copy I received with the machine is in Danish.

Advertisment 1962
I could not find the Elna grasshopper ever being advertised in Australia in the archives. One of the earliest ads I could find was this for the Supermatic.
Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 – 1995), Tuesday 13 February 1962, page 5