Phoenix Automatic 283
Another machine that I found locally in 2022.
Again a mid century German machine.
Also see my black Phoenix 282 here.

I found a freearm machine first, but unfortunately there was too much damage to the internal mechanism. (picture below) Still it has the wooden table extension which is just lovely. Maybe one day I will find another free arm Phoenix in my travels, but for now I am happy with the flat bed.
This machine flatbed machine was complete except for its cams, so the free arm donated those to get this machine up and running. She runs smoothly and quietly and her cam stitches work well. Definitely a quality machine. This machine takes the semi-industrial round shank needle, the DBX1 needle system, you can find more information on needles on my VSM Needles page.
The shellac on many of these machines has very much yellowed and made the machine quite unslightly, so I spent many an hour removing the shellac and I am happy with the result. I can’t decide now if I should reshellac or leave her as is. A nice solid machine that gets a 9 out of 10 at Phoenix – Naehmaschinenverzeichnis as it has one plastic gear.
Instruction book to this machine is found here as the 282 instructions and the extra 283 addition is found here.

I found more cams.
January 2023, I have been very lucky and found a rusted-out Phoenix 283. It is always a bit sad to find a neglected machine, but the good news is that the machine had an accessories box (be it a bit broken) and it had treasures inside, bobbins and 4 more sets of cams!!!
These seem to be solid cams as a set of four. I can’t separate the layers and I am not sure if they ever were separate. So I won’t force them, as they may well snap. I now have a few double ups of patterns, but plenty more new ones that I can now get on this machine. This machine takes the semi-industrial round shank needle, the DBX1 needle system and I am finding I am using this machine more and more for heavier sewing. It now sits in a small table. I never did re-shellac the machine, I quite like the fact that is does not shine, so I am not afraid to use it and possibly damage any paintwork, as it won’t matter if I do.

My freearm machine, this machine still looks great, but unfortunately is too damaged to run again.