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I Gusti Putu Sadri, 1930-1995

I acquired two paintings at my local auction house in July 2023. One was by NI Rinek and the other was by I Gust Putu Sadri. In February 2024, I saw another Sadri “Saderi” painting, I knew straight away it was by him, as it has a very distinct style, I was lucky enough to once again win this at auction. This page contains both these artworks which are now in my collection. Below I have added more images of other works, clearly by the same artist, images taken from the internet, owners unknown.

July 2023.

Approx 80cm x 62cm . Not as bright and vibrant as other paintings I have seen online by the same artist. But at least I can identify the artist this time.

I had no idea this was Balinese when I purchased it along with the NI Rinek painting.

Nicely framed here in Australia, again a painting on board.

February 2024

64cm x 48cm

Another painting at local auction.

More information found online in regards to I G P Sadri, “Saderi” paintings.

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