Vintage Sewing Machines
Marketed as Australian made machines produced in South Australia. With colourful posters and advertising, who would not want to own an Aussie machine back in the 1950’s and early 60’s…
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Pinnock Factory History.
The published history of the Pinnock factory in area of Elizabeth, South Australia. Fact or a bit of a Furfy?
Post WWII was marketing and selling Japanese machine just not the done thing?
Advertising materials, posters.
Australian advertising posters and magazine articles. Beautiful and so classic of their time.
The American Morse machine.
Many of the Pinnock machines can also be found as Morse machines. My page shows some comparisons.
A very interesting article can be found at the Silver Bobbin page.
Pinnock Toyota Machines.
These machines were made in Japan by Toyota, in the 1950s
Pinnock Trendsetters.
The Trendsetter range of Pinnocks have a distinctive red Trendsetter badge.
Circa 1960s
Pinnock CFM.
Currie Furniture Manufacturing
Pinnock was a trade name CFM Industries bought in the late 1960s, they imported Japanese sewing machines, typewriters and other items.
The Australian Made machine?
Marketed as an Australian machine, but clearly imported and rebranded. True Japanese quality and even a bit of Dutch Euro quality thrown in.