Viking CI 21

In early 2022 I won this machine at auction. I did not have time to inspect it, so when I collected it, I was so disappointed that it did not have any accessories that I packed it back up in its case and put it away in storage. I could have kicked myself, as I had seen complete pristine machines sell for less than what I paid for this one. Lesson learnt. So now in March 2023 I pulled it out of storage, and I am rather impressed with how nice I think it might be under all that grime. It has a pedal, extension table and case keys, (of all things) and on quick inspection the belt looks quite good. Purchased for 87 pounds on 13th March 1957, she will be coming up to her 66th birthday in a week or two. I will clean her up and see what lays under that grime. Maybe she will turn out to be one of my “diamonds in the rough”.
I have located free copies of the manual and service manual these can be downloaded from my google drive for free for personal use only. Please do not on sell as these should be available to anyone for free.
Husqvarna Viking 21 manual for free in pdf from here.
Husqvarna Viking 21 Service manual for free in pdf from here.

Hi. I have picked up what I believe is one of these Husqvarnas when clearing out my Aunt’s house. Unfortunately it is locked and has no keys. Could you send a photo of the keys so I can do a search online for a replacement?
Cheers, Paul
Hi Paul, I am afraid my machine is in storage, if I find it in the next few days, ill take a picture of the case key for you.
I have a photo of keys, but no way to send it to you….