Singer 12K Serial number 2078448 377648 Glasgow Bridgeton
Production date 1876 with decals “Large Roses”

The above treadle machine came to me in 2022 and was the first of my Singer 12 New family machines. To see more about the above 12k and how the size compares to the later Improved family 15, please look at my Singer Fiddlebases page.
Singer 12k Serial number 6748522 1637722 Clydebank Kilbowie
Production date 1885 with decals “Acanthus leaves”

The instruction book for the Singer 12k can be found here for free pdf download.
This second Singer 12k hand crank came into my collection in January 2025. It is the year this machine turns 140 years old. It is a beautiful hand crank, in original box with accessories. A beautiful little machine and I am so happy to have added it to my collection. It came up in a local auction, with only one other bidder and I was lucky enough to win it, well within my low budget.
The box had been jimmied opened and as such the lock to the box is destroyed, clearly there is no key. The door had been cracked off cleanly, so a bit of wood glue was all that I needed to repair the case. It is no longer lockable, though I am sure a new lock could easily be installed. It is the first case that I have that is of this design. Unlike other cases, this case is not placed over the machine. The case slides on from the left side and the door is then locked shut. The base of the machine is as normal, the bottom of the case.