#Y3561140 produced 24 November 1925
Singer 28k Hand crank with Victorian decals.
Acquired 18th October 2024

This machine was found at local auction. My collecting of machines has now slowed down and while I continue to look for Vintage machines, I am finding it harder to locate machines that appeal to me and ones I do not already have. This is the first Victoria decal 28k I have seen locally with lovely decals and I am so glad I have added her to my collection.
I already had two Singer 28K machines in my collection that I have not listed here previously. Both are in nice condition but not as lovely as this third machine. The previous two machines have the La Vencedora decals and I will add their photos below. They are also currently awaiting restoration and I now have come to the realisation that many of my machines will have to wait until I am retired, before I can get to them.
This machine did not come with any manuals or accessories. The two manuals I did find for free online are now located on my google drive for free pdf download. You can find the drive here with many manuals.
You can find the two manuals, 28k Instructions here and the 27k and 28k manual here.
The machine is in very good condition for its age approaching 100. Luckily the slide plates were fixed in tightly with old oil. Many of these slide plates go missing as they can easily fall out. The shuttle and bobbin are in place as is the original hand crank and case with key.

My other two 28K/128K machines.
These machines are still waiting restoration. I purchased them Jan 2022. Once is seized and the other has a bent hand crank. Their decals are not too bad, but not pristine. They do have their slide plates, they are just put away safely. Still one day I hope to get around to restoring them. In the mean time, they are safe and sound in storage. Y3177301- 128k manufactured July 1925. Y3772766-128k November 1925.