Sewbest Pinnock
Sewbest #2 Serial number G3615
This is the second Sewbest that came to me. The first is detailed below. This one was found locally advertised and was in a cabinet. This machine is much nicer aesthetically, than the first machine. It has cleaned up well and sews a wonderful stitch. It is not as mechanically pristine as the first machine, but works just as well and much nicer to look at now it is all cleaned up.

My first sewbest.
Sewbest #1 Serial number G5329
The rarest of the Toyota Pinnocks. This machine was indeed the hardest to find. Similar to the Sewqueen , in that it is a stright stitch and zig zag. Different in that it has the rounded shape of the Sewmaster, which is such a beautiful retro shape.

This machine was advertised in New South Wales on Facebook marketplace. I would have never seen it had a fellow Pinnock collector, Timothy Briggs not mentioned it to me. Timothy is the proud owner of his own beautiful “Best” and was kind enough to alert me to the ad. The seller was kind enough to agree to send via post, so I consider myself very fortunate to have acquired this machine. I only know of a handful of people how own this machine, it is very hard to find. I have been unable to find any advertising on this model, so possibly it was the last “hoorah” for the Pinnock factory here in Australia, before they closed in 1967.
This machine has seen better days, it has some paint loss and its pretty “Sewbest” label is a bit damaged, but nothing that takes away from its function. It came missing a few parts, but nothing that could not be sourced from a similar Pinnock parts machine. Bobbin case, tension spring and stitch plates were all missing. It was also very dusty, yet the inside of the machine and the mechanics are perfect and clean. The Wernard motor, like most Wernard motors from this era, just needed a drop of oil.
Once all back together, with a new LED light, she runs like a dream, still some work to do on the tension, otherwise another wonderful Pinnock to add to my collection and the last Toyota Pinnock for me to find.
Unfortunately, there is no manual, however I have found a similar manual that belongs to the cams version of the machine. The Arrow, also known by other names, looks the same as this machine, but was released with cams. The manual for this machine is here.

Other Sewbest machines
An archived ad I found on
Described as a Sewmagic, the image was too faint to see what was actually on the badge. Still it was described as lightweight, so it cant be a Sewbest, as these are heavy machines. :)
Owner unknown.

Delighted to finally find a comprehensive manual for my Pinnock Sewmagic machine. I picked mine up around 30 years ago and it’s still going strong.
My sewmagic looks exactly like the one in the advert with the pearl dials. I can confirm it is definitely not lightweight , I can hardly lift it by myself.