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Trendsetter Royal

January 2023 and I have found the sixth Trendsetter Pinnock to add to the collection.

This is the Royal, it is very similar in appearance to the Star, but this one also has a cam capability. I could find no one who was able to tell me which cams or what they might look like. All we had was the image in the instruction manual, which was little to go by. Fellow collectors have this machine, but without cams.

Thanks to Kevin who commented on this page below, the cams have been identified.

27 Feb 2023 the mystery of the cams that go with this machine has been solved. Kevin suggested that the cams that come with the Myer Victor Supreme are the same cams that were released with the Pinnock Trendsetter Royal. I was lucky enough to find a red Myer machine advertised for sale and it had its cams. I’ve tested them and they fit perfectly. When you look at both machines closely and compare, you can see how much they have in common, so not surprising that the cams fit both. Same Japanese factory?

The manual for this machine can be found her for free PDF download. I have had a copy of this manual and have been searching for the machine. Usually, I find the machine first and look for the manual later, but this one was the other way around.

This is how the machine arrived, no accessories, no cams.

Myer Victor Supreme with cams.

Pinnock Trendsetter Royal with cams.

May 2024, Another Myer machine spotted for sale with the same cams, so they are out there if you are patient enough to find them.

4 thoughts on “Royal”

  1. Hi Patricia
    Congratulations on the completion of your wonderful website and great research. Piecing together the complex relationships that japaneese manufacturers have with each other and customers can be fun. I have a trendsetter royal that i was purchased in a job lot of not working machines and pedals. After cleaning lubricating and electrical repairs it runs like new. The machine came complete with all attachments, cams, foldout wooden extension. the only thing missing was part of the plastic handle on the lid. A straitstitch needle plate ( hole on left) is the only thing i have added. Regarding the pattern cams My cams are identical the the ones you had with your Myer Victor Supreme, Pink case, clear lid, Big Z, 20 cams, silver pattern pictures (can send photos). The default left needle position did seem odd at first when i sewed with it. but this position stops any needle flutter zig zag machines can have when sewing strait stitches at high speed when set in the middle position. i have not done a comparison with my singer 328p which would be interesting as machines have similar features and were sold at the same time and were both assembled in Australia let you Know if i do.
    regards Kevin

    1. Hi Kevin and thank you so much for reaching out and telling me about your Trendsetter Royal and your other insights into these machines. I am very grateful to you for finding the identity of the cams that go with this machine. Yes, please if you could send me a picture of your machine with its cams, so I can add it to my page. I am sure it will help others in the future. The cams you mention that came with the red Myer, I have passed on to another collector, so that is a pity and my loss. Still now that I know what to look for, I hopefully will find another set in the future to complete my Royal machine.

  2. Thank you so much Patricia for researching about the cams that go with the Pinnock Trendsetter Royal. I’d received one with a broken needle rod which I got fixed and serviced. However, it was missing the cams. Thanks to this post and your confirmation, I searched far and wide using the pictures as a guide and found a seller on eBay who has the full set of cams that you have pictured above. Ordered right away and can’t wait for them to arrive so I can give it a go.

    Warm regards,

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