Comparison of Pinnocks to Morse, side by side. You be the judge, are these the same machines? Manufactured in Japan, shipped worldwide and rebadged. In Australia as the Pinnock and in the USA as the Morse and sometimes Arrow. In Australia the undersides of the machines were scraped clean of any identifying Japanese markings, in the USA they were not altered.
Pinnock Trendsetter Ensign, owner unknown
Morse ebay USA 2022 owner unknown
Pinnock Sewqueen
Morse ebay USA 2022 owner unknown
Morse ebay USA 2022, owner unknown
Pinnock, Trendsetter Sapphire
Morse ebay USA 2022, owner unknown
Pinnock Modern
Morse ebay USA 2022, owner unknown
CFM Pinnock, FB marketplace, owner unknown
Morse ebay USA 2022, owner unknown
Pinnock, Sewmaster
Arrow, ebay USA 2022, ownere unknown
Pinnock , Sewmatic
Morse, PINK, my dream machine.
Not exactly the same. Arrow, ebay USA 2022, owner unknown.
Thankyou Calvin, so glad this information was of help to you. If you have anything that I can add to my site, please feel free to let me know.
Good morning Patricia,
Discussion of a Pinnock sewing machine eventually led us to your site. Great stuff. Thanks. I’ve been clicking link after link.
Thankyou Calvin, so glad this information was of help to you. If you have anything that I can add to my site, please feel free to let me know.