Below are the front covers of the Pinnock manuals I have found to date. This website started out as a Pinnock showcase of my collection. It has grown into more than that and I have various machines and various manuals and instruction books. If I have the machine and the manual, then the link to that manual will be on the page for that machine.
If you want to look at all the free manuals that I have, then I suggest you look in my google drive. The drive is found here, feel free to download a copy for your own use
If you are looking for a free manual on another machine, then I suggest you join the Facebook group Vintage Sewing Machines (Non-Singer) | Facebook There you will find a devoted group of people who have uploaded many manuals, free for all to download and use.
I advocate for people to have free access to the Instruction manual for their own machines. On my google drive I share these files freely. The drive is found here, feel free to download a copy for your own use. The manuals are not for on selling, but I have no control over that. I just hope that if you own the machine and need a manual for free, you have found your way here.
If you have a Pinnock instruction manual and are happy to share it, feel free to send me the PDF and I will upload it. I am in particular interested in Pinnock Trendsetter manuals, as I have only been able to source a couple of them.
Pinnock Manuals
Whilst technically not the sewbest, it is the closest I have found so far.

Trendsetter Star
Not the same as the Australian Trendsetter Star, I suspect this is the English version of machine. The trendsetter Royal manual below might be a better alternative if looking for the Aussie Trendsetter Star.

Thank you so much for providing the free manuals, I’m a bit of a collector of old machines, my most recent find is a Pinnock – 1 Overlocker.
I’m very grateful that I was able to easily access the manual on your website without having to go through a million steps to simply access a few pages of information.
thanks again
Jen Paulinski
Hi Jen and you are very welcome. Many collectors agree that making pdf copies of instructions available for free is very important. I am glad you found what you were looking for and enjoy your Pinnock. Beautiful Juki machine and one of my favourites.
Thank you for sharing these manuals free of charge. I am using my husbands Aunts machine to learn how to sew, for an upholstery class Ive started recently. Of course having a manual will help my confidence as I don’t want to break this beauty!!
Rosaleen, You are more than welcome, I truly believe that these pdf copies should be free. Fair enough if you have to pay for an original hard copy or a reproduction, but it is always nice to have a free pdf available.
Thank you so much for making the manuals available, and free of charge is an additional bonus. My wife cannot pass by a sewing machine and when she saw a Fridor Stictchmaster in a dump station recycle shop she was so intrigued that she just could not resist it, even though it did not have the foot and power cord. Thanks to your website we now have a manual and a far better understanding of the machine. We will now explore the possibility of getting it serviced and working again.
Brynden, thankyou so much for your feedback. I rarely hear that my the manuals have been downloaded, so it is wonderful to hear that making them available for free has been of some benefit to you. The Fridor is such a wonderful machine, i hope your wife gets years of wonderful sewing from it. Enjoy and thanks for commenting.
Great site, Thank you. I have recently been gifted a PINNOCK stretch sewing machine. There is no other model name beyond the number 5201. It has a Wernerd motor and foot pedal. Are you able to further categorise it so that I can select the manual that might be the best? Appreciate any help you can give.
Hi Joy, it sounds like it could be a 1970s CFM Pinnock, in which case it could be any number of machines. If you could email me a photo to and I can see if I can identify it for you. Alternatively you could join the Vintage Japanese Sewing Machines Facebook group. With some luck you should be able to identify it as well as find a copy of the manual.